
Montage Video : The Hims city

The Hims city (of salary man)

I compare salary man life with machine.
It's not just about working like machine but
Their pattern of life same too.
Get Command From Chief
Get Command From Mechanic

This video show that the salaryman play game that've
his character and he can control himself
but actually there are another one behind

1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. ไม่ระบุชื่อ7 ตุลาคม 2553 เวลา 23:36


    You have nice blog. Numerous folks nowadays don't know whether they're obtaining appropriate salary for their profession. To be clear one can check on the net wage comparison websites to know what other organizations offer for the same position. For instance to compare salary of an analyst one can just type analyst salary in a salary comparison website like Whatsalary.com
